欢迎 | Welcome
Our association was established in February 1992 and has been in existence for over 30 years. It has witnessed the leadership of five presidents, with Mr. Chen Bingsheng currently serving as the president. We have accumulated over 600 members.
The aim of our association is friendship, care, mutual assistance, and innovation. We are committed to uniting fellow immigrants, fostering mutual assistance, and promoting development together. We unite new and old immigrants, contribute to the promotion of Chinese culture, actively participate in Canada’s multiculturalism and social development, and contribute to the cohesion of overseas Chinese.
The association has established more than ten interest groups, covering English classes, dance classes, music classes, senior computer classes, children’s dance classes, Tai Chi classes, choir, opera classes, qipao team, and more.
In December 2022, we held a celebration for the 30th anniversary of our association at the Calgary Cultural Centre. For this occasion, the Prime Minister of Canada sent a congratulatory letter, and some provincial and municipal councilors also attended the event. Members presented fantastic performances to the audience in Calgary, receiving enthusiastic praise and acclaim. We also produced an electronic special edition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the association, allowing everyone to review our growth journey.
公告通知 | Public Notice

蛇来运转,鸿运新年【文:缪熙;摄影:吕海富】2025年2月2日(农历正月初五)晚,卡尔加里江浙上海联谊会在唐人街富丽宫海鲜大酒楼隆重举办”2025年金色年华新春团拜会”。此次活动吸引了来自政界、侨界及 […]

二零二五年金色年华新春团拜会通知 亲爱的会员及各界朋友: 新春伊始,万象更新! 为庆祝2025年农历新年的到来,本会将于正月初五举办新春团拜会,诚邀广大会员和朋友们欢聚一堂,共迎新春! 活动详情 日期 […]

亲爱的卡城江浙上海联谊会会员: 因会所将进行装修工作,为确保顺利完成装修,现就有关事项通知如下: 1. 个人物品清理:会所将于2024年11月1日至12月15日期间进行装修。请各位会员于10月31日前 […]

装修公开招标公告 为更好地服务会员及提升会所环境,卡城江浙上海联谊会拟对会所进行装修,现公开邀请符合资格的装修公司参加此次装修工程的竞标。 招标内容 本会会所(地址:114 3 Ave SE, Cal […]