欢迎 | Welcome
Our association was established in February 1992 and has been in existence for over 30 years. It has witnessed the leadership of five presidents, with Mr. Chen Bingsheng currently serving as the president. We have accumulated over 600 members.
The aim of our association is friendship, care, mutual assistance, and innovation. We are committed to uniting fellow immigrants, fostering mutual assistance, and promoting development together. We unite new and old immigrants, contribute to the promotion of Chinese culture, actively participate in Canada’s multiculturalism and social development, and contribute to the cohesion of overseas Chinese.
The association has established more than ten interest groups, covering English classes, dance classes, music classes, senior computer classes, children’s dance classes, Tai Chi classes, choir, opera classes, qipao team, and more.
In December 2022, we held a celebration for the 30th anniversary of our association at the Calgary Cultural Centre. For this occasion, the Prime Minister of Canada sent a congratulatory letter, and some provincial and municipal councilors also attended the event. Members presented fantastic performances to the audience in Calgary, receiving enthusiastic praise and acclaim. We also produced an electronic special edition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the association, allowing everyone to review our growth journey.
公告通知 | Public Notice
装修公开招标公告 为更好地服务会员及提升会所环境,卡城江浙上海联谊会拟对会所进行装修,现公开邀请符合资格的装修公司参加此次装修工程的竞标。 招标内容 本会会所(地址:114 3 Ave SE, Cal […]
尊敬的各位会员: 我们诚挚邀请您参加卡城江浙上海联谊会2024年度会员大会(2024注册并已缴纳会费的会员方可参加)。 以下是本次大会的具体安排: 日期:2024年6月 […]
以下是2024年5月12日母亲节文艺演出所用素材,可以按需下载。母亲节循环视频.mp4幸福拍手歌.mp4舞蹈 雨巷佳人.mp4京歌 桃花仙人.mp4舞蹈 蓝色天梦.mp4江南水韵.mp4旗袍秀 五百英 […]
卡尔加里各华人社团的朋友们 我们的祖籍国中国队将在2024年世界残奥冰球锦标赛中与美国队进行一场激动人心的比赛!这场比赛将于5月7日在加拿大卡尔加里的WINSPORT ARENA举行。 […]